Enacted August 24, 8
Revised June 25, 6, May 29, 29, April 5, Reiwa 21
Non-profit organization Kokoro-no-Kakehashi Iwate
第 1Chapter General
Article 1 This corporation is said to be a non-profit corporation, a bridge between the hearts.
(The office)
Article 2 This corporation has its main office in Morioka City, Iwate Prefecture.
(the purpose)
Article 3 This corporation aims to improve the mental health of local residents and to build a new mental health service in Iwate Prefecture, in order to contribute to the improvement of society's profits in cooperation with related organizations.
(Types of specified non-profit activities)
Article 4 This corporation shall carry out the following types of specified non-profit activities in order to achieve the objectives of the preceding article.
- Activities to promote health, medical care or welfare
- Activities to promote social education
- Activities to promote community development
- Disaster relief activities
- International cooperation activities
- Liaison, advice, or assistance activities related to the management or activities of organizations that carry out the activities listed in the preceding items
(Business type)
Article 5 In order to achieve the purpose of Article 3, this corporation will conduct the following business as a business related to specified non-profit activities.
- Preventive, enlightenment, and consultation services related to mental health through collaboration with related organizations and organizations
- Provision of mental health services using IT equipment
- Developing mental health professionals who are familiar with disaster recovery
- Propose mental health services that meet local needs
- Businesses related to cooperation, support, and network construction among organizations engaged in social activities
- Other business necessary to achieve the purpose
第 2Chapter Member
Article 6 The members of this corporation shall be the following 2 types, and full members shall be employees under the Specified Non-Profit Act (hereinafter referred to as “the law”).
- Regular members Individuals and organizations who have joined in favor of the purpose of this corporation
- Supporting members Individuals and organizations that have joined to support the business of this corporation
Article 7 There are no special conditions for membership.
Those who intend to join as 2 members shall apply to the Board of Directors using the membership application form separately determined by the President.
The president of 3 must accept admission unless there is a valid reason when the application set forth in the preceding paragraph is made.
If the President of 4 does not accept membership in section 2, he must promptly notify the person in writing with reasons.
Article 8 Members must pay the membership fee separately determined at the general meeting.
(Loss of membership)
Article 9 If a regular member falls under any of the following items, he / she will be disqualified.
- When submitting a notice of withdrawal.
- When the person died or received a disappearance, or the member organization disappeared.
- When the membership fee has been delinquent for more than 2 years.
- When dismissed.
Article 10 Members may voluntarily withdraw from membership by submitting a notice of withdrawal specified separately by the president.
Article 11 If a member falls under any of the following items, it may be removed by a vote of the general meeting.
- When this Articles of Incorporation is violated.
- When hurting the honor of this corporation or performing an act contrary to its purpose.
2 If a member is to be dismissed pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the member must be given an opportunity to make an explanation before voting.
(Refund of contributions)
Article 12 Membership fees, membership fees and other contributions already paid will not be refunded.
第 3Chapter Officer
(Type and constant)
Article 13 The following officers shall be assigned to this corporation.
- Director (3 or more and 6 or less)
- Auditor (from 1 to 2)
2. Of the directors, 1 will be the president and 1 will be the vice president.
(Election etc.)
Article 14 Directors and auditors shall be elected at the general meeting.
The director and vice president of 2 shall be elected by directors.
Among 3 officers, each officer includes more than 1 people who are their spouses or third-degree relatives, or those officers and their spouses and third-degree relatives are 3 of the total number of officers. Must not be included beyond 1.
A person who falls under any of the items in 4 Article 20 cannot be an officer of this corporation.
5 auditors must not be directors or employees of this corporation.
Article 15 The president shall represent this corporation and preside over its work.
Directors other than the chairman of 2 do not represent this corporation in the business of the corporation.
3 Vice-Chairman assists the Chairman and, in the event of an accident or lack of the Chairman, substitutes the duties in the order previously appointed by the Chairman.
The director of 4 constitutes the Board of Directors and executes the business of this corporation based on the provisions of this Articles of Incorporation and the decisions of the General Assembly or the Board of Directors.
5 auditors perform the following duties:
- Auditing the performance of directors
- Audit the status of the property of this corporation
- If, as a result of the audit under the provisions of the previous 2, it is found that there are any fraudulent acts or serious facts that violate laws and regulations or the Articles of Incorporation, this shall be reported to the General Assembly or the competent authority thing
- Convene a general meeting if necessary to report the previous issue
- To give an opinion to the director about the status of the business execution of the director or the status of the property of this corporation, or to request the convocation of the board of directors
(Terms, etc.)
Article 16 The term of office of officers shall be 2 years. However, reappointment is not prevented.
2 Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, if no succeeding officer has been appointed, the term of office will be extended until the first general meeting is concluded after the end of the term of office.
3. The term of office of an officer appointed for a substitute or due to an increase in the number of officers shall be the remaining term of the term of each predecessor or incumbent.
4 officers must perform their duties even after their resignation or expiration, until their successors take office.
(Vacancy replacement)
Article 17 If there is no director or auditor who exceeds 3 of the fixed number of 1, this must be supplemented without delay.
Article 18 If an officer falls under any of the following items, it may be removed by resolution of the general meeting.
- When it is recognized that he / she is unable to perform his / her duties due to a mental and physical breakdown
- When there is a violation of duty on duty or any other inappropriate behavior
2 If an officer is to be dismissed pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the officer must be given an opportunity to excuse prior to voting.
(Rewards etc.)
Article 19 Officers may receive remunerations up to 3 of the total number of 1.
2 officers can be reimbursed for the expenses required to perform their duties.
3 Matters necessary for the previous 2 shall be determined separately by the President after resolution of the General Assembly.
第 4Chapter Meeting
Article 20 The meeting of this corporation shall be the 2 class of the General Assembly and Board of Directors.
The 2 general meeting shall be a general meeting and an extraordinary general meeting.
(Composition of general meeting)
Article 21 The general meeting shall consist of full members.
(General Assembly authority)
Article 22 The General Assembly decides on the following matters:
- Changes to the Articles of Incorporation
- Dissolution and merger
- Member expulsion
- Business plan and activity budget and changes
- Business reports and activity results
- Appointment or dismissal of officers
- Executive duties and remuneration
- Membership fee
- Asset management method
- Borrowings (excluding short-term borrowings that are redeemed with income within the fiscal year; the same applies in Article 49) Other burdens of new obligations and waiver of rights
- Attribution of residual assets upon dissolution
- Organization and operation of the secretariat
- Other important matters regarding operations
(General Meeting)
Article 23 The general meeting will be held 1 times each business year.
The 2 extraordinary general meeting will be held when one of the following items applies.
- When the Board of Directors deems it necessary and requests a call
- When a request for convocation is made in writing with the purpose of the meeting from 3 or more of the total number of full members
- When an auditor is convened in accordance with the provisions of Article 15, Article 5, Item 4
(Convocation of general meeting)
Article 24 The general meeting shall be convened by the president, except in the case of 2, item 3.
The President of 2 shall convene an extraordinary general meeting within 2 days from the date of request in accordance with the provisions of 1, 2 and 14 of the preceding article.
If the 3 General Meeting is to be convened, it must be notified at least 5 days in advance of the date of the meeting by written or electromagnetic method describing the date, place, purpose and agenda of the meeting.
(Chairman of the General Meeting)
Article 25 The chair of the general meeting shall be elected from the regular members who attended the general meeting.
(Quorum of general meeting)
Article 26 The general meeting cannot be opened without attendance of 2 of the total number of regular members.
(General Assembly decision)
Article 27 Resolutions at the General Meeting shall be those previously notified in accordance with the provisions of Article 24, Paragraph 3. However, if the agenda is urgent and there is an agreement of more than 2 for 1 of the regular members attending, it can be voted on.
In addition to the provisions of the Articles of Incorporation, the agenda of the 2 General Assembly shall be decided with a majority of the regular members present.
When a director or employee proposes a matter that is the purpose of a general meeting and all of the employees have expressed their intention to consent in writing, it is deemed that the resolution of the general meeting of employees has been approved to pass the proposal.
(Voting rights at the general meeting)
Article 28 Each regular member shall have equal voting rights.
2 Regular members who are unable to attend the general meeting for unavoidable reasons may vote in writing or electromagnetically on matters that have been notified in advance, or may delegate voting with other regular members as agents.
3 Regular members voted in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph shall be deemed to have attended the General Assembly regarding the application of Article 26, Article 27, Article 2, Article 29, Article 1, Item 2 and Article 50.
For members of the 4 Parliament, regular members who have a special interest cannot participate in the voting of the agenda.
(The minutes of the general meeting)
Article 29 For the proceedings of the general meeting, the minutes of the following matters shall be prepared.
- Date and place
- Total number of full members and attendees (if there are voting persons or voting delegates in writing or electromagnetically, indicate the number)
- Agenda
- Summary of proceedings and results of voting
- Matters concerning appointment of minutes signers
The 2 minutes must be signed and sealed by the chairman and the name of the person who signed the minutes of the meeting.
3 Regardless of the provisions of the previous 2, if all the regular members have expressed their intention to consent in writing and it is deemed that the general meeting has been resolved, a minutes containing the following matters must be prepared: Don't be.- Contents of matters deemed to have been resolved by the general meeting
- Name or name of the person who proposed the items listed in the previous item
- The date on which it was deemed that the General Assembly had been resolved
- Name of the person who performed the duties related to the preparation of the minutes
(Composition of the Board of Directors)
Article 30 The board shall be composed of directors.
(Board of Authority)
Article 31 The Board of Directors shall vote on the following matters in addition to those separately provided for in this Articles of Incorporation
- Matters to be submitted to the general meeting
- Matters concerning the execution of matters decided by the general meeting
- Other matters related to the execution of operations that do not require a resolution of the general meeting
(Board of Directors)
Article 32 The Board of Directors shall be convened when one of the following items applies.
- When the director finds it necessary
- When a request for convocation is made in writing from 3 or more of the total number of directors, describing the objectives of the board
- When a request for convocation is made by an auditor in accordance with the provisions of Article 15, 5, 5.
(Convocation of the Board of Directors)
Article 33 The board shall be convened by the president.
When requested by the provisions of 2 and 2 in the preceding article, the President of 3 shall convene the Board of Directors within 14 days from that date.
When convening to the 3 Board of Directors, notice must be given at least 5 days prior to the date of the meeting, in writing or by electromagnetic means describing the date, place, purpose and agenda of the meeting.
(Chairman of the Board of Directors)
Article 34 The chairman of the board shall be the president.
(Board resolution)
Article 35 The resolutions of the Board of Directors shall be those previously notified in accordance with the provisions of Article 33, Paragraph 3.
The agenda of the 2 Board of Directors is decided by a majority of the total number of Directors.
(Voting rights of the Board of Directors, etc.)
Article 36 The voting rights of each director shall be equal.
2 Directors who are unable to attend the Board of Directors for unavoidable reasons may vote in writing or by electromagnetic means on matters previously notified.
3 Directors voted pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph shall be deemed to have attended the Board of Directors regarding the application of paragraph 1 of the preceding article and the following article.
Directors with special interests in voting by the 4 Board of Directors may not participate in the voting of that agenda.
(Board minutes)
Article 37 For the agenda of the board of directors, the minutes of the following matters shall be prepared.
- Date and place
- The total number of directors, the number of attendees, and the names of attendees (if you are voting in writing or electromagnetically, indicate that fact)
- Agenda
- Summary of the proceedings and results of voting
- Matters concerning appointment of minutes signers
The 2 minutes must be signed and sealed by the chairman and at least 2 names of minutes appointed at the meeting.
第 5Chapter Asset
(Composition of assets)
Article 38 The assets of this corporation shall consist of those listed in the following items.
- Assets listed in the initial property inventory
- Membership fee
- Donated goods
- Revenue from property
- Revenue from business
- Other revenue
Article 39 The assets of this corporation shall be the 1 class of assets related to business related to specified non-profit activities.
Article 40 The assets of this corporation shall be managed by the chairman, and the method shall be determined separately by the chairman after resolution of the general meeting.
第 6Chapter Accounting
(Accounting principles)
Article 41 This corporation shall be accounted for in accordance with the principles listed in each item of Article 27 of the Act.
(Accounting category)
Article 42 The accounting of this corporation shall be the 1 type of business accounting pertaining to specified non-profit activities.
(Business year)
Article 43 The legal year of this corporation begins on the 4 month 1 every year and ends on the following year 3 month 31.
(Business plan and budget)
Article 44 The business plan of this corporation and the budget for its activities must be prepared by the president for each business year and passed by the general meeting.
(Provisional budget)
Article 45 Regardless of the provisions of the previous article, if the budget is not established due to unavoidable reasons, the chairman may, after the resolution of the board of directors, pay the income and expenses according to the budget of the previous fiscal year until the budget is established. .
2 Earnings expenses in the previous paragraph are regarded as revenue expenses for the newly established budget.
(Reserve fund)
Article 46 Contingency can be provided in the budget to cover over budget or out-of-budget spending.
The use of 2 reserves must be voted on by the board.
(Budget addition and change)
Article 47 If an unavoidable reason arises after a budget decision, a predetermined budget can be added or revised after a decision of the general meeting.
(Business report and financial results)
Article 48 Documents relating to financial statements such as business reports, activity statements, balance sheets and inventory of properties of this corporation shall be prepared by the president immediately after the end of each business year, audited by auditors and approved by the general meeting. Have to go through.
When surplus occurs in 2 financial statements, it shall be carried over to the next business year.
(Timely measures)
Article 49 In addition to what is determined by the budget, when the borrowing of borrowings or other new obligations are to be borne or waived, the resolution of the general meeting must be passed.
第 7Chapter Amendment, dissolution and merger of articles of incorporation
(Changes to the Articles of Incorporation)
Article 50 When this corporation intends to amend the Articles of Incorporation, it will be subject to a vote by more than 4 of the regular members attending the general meeting, and changes to the matters prescribed in Article 3, Paragraph 25 , Get the certification of the competent authority.
Article 51 This corporation shall be dissolved for the following reasons.
- General Assembly resolution
- Inability to succeed in the business related to the specified non-profit activities
- Loss of regular members
- merger
- Decision to start bankruptcy proceedings
- Cancellation of establishment certification by the competent authority
2 When this corporation is dissolved due to the reason of item 1 in the preceding paragraph, it must pass a resolution of more than 4 of the total number of regular members.
3 If the legal entity is dissolved due to 1 No. 2, it must be certified by the competent authority.
(Residual property attribution)
Article 52 Assets remaining when this corporation is dissolved (excluding dissolution due to merger or commencement of bankruptcy proceedings) shall be transferred to those decided at the General Meeting among those listed in Article 11, Paragraph 3.
Article 53 When this corporation intends to merge, it must pass a resolution of 4 or more of the total number of regular members at the general meeting and obtain the certification of the competent authority.
第 8Chapter Method of Public Notice
(Method of public notice)
Article 54 The public notice of this corporation shall be posted on the bulletin board of this corporation and posted in the official gazette.
Provided, however, that the public notice of the balance sheet prescribed in Article 28-2, Paragraph 1 of the Act shall be posted on the website of this corporation.
第 9Chapter Secretariat
(Establishment of secretariat)
Article 55 A secretariat will be established in this corporation to handle the affairs of this corporation.
The 2 secretariat has the necessary staff.
(Recruitment of staff)
Article 56 The secretary shall be appointed or dismissed by the president.
(Organization and operation)
Article 57 Necessary matters concerning the organization and operation of the secretariat shall be determined separately by the President after the general meeting.
第 10Chapter Miscellaneous
(Detailed rules)
Article 58 The detailed rules necessary for the enforcement of this Articles of Incorporation shall be determined by the President after the resolution of the Board of Directors.
Supplementary provisions
- This Articles of Incorporation shall come into force as from the date of incorporation of this corporation.
- The officers at the time of establishment of this corporation shall be as follows.
Title Full name
Chairman Mitsuru Suzuki
Vice President Asaho Hasegawa
Director Masashi Ueda
Auditor Shigeru Fujii - Regardless of the provisions of Article 16, Paragraph 1, the term of office of the officers at the beginning of establishment of this corporation shall be from the date of establishment of this corporation to 2013 year 2 month 28.
- Regardless of Article 43, the initial business year of this corporation shall be from the date of establishment of this corporation to 2012 year 12 month 31.
- Regardless of Article 44, the business plan and activity budget at the time of establishment of this corporation shall be as set forth by the General Assembly.
- The initial membership fee of this corporation shall be the following amount regardless of the provisions of Article 8.
- Annual membership fee Regular member (individual / group member: 3,000 yen), supporting member (individual member: 1 mouth 10,000 yen, group member: 1 mouth 100,000 yen)