4 Disaster Recovery Mental Health Training (Application) “Music Therapy and Communication” (Open Workshop)


[Date / time] 2016 year 1 month 16 day (Sat) 14: 00 to 17: 00

Morioka: Sakaimachi Megumi Building Sakaimachi Megumi Building 3F Conference Room (1-5-5-1 Nakanobashi Dori, Morioka City, Iwate Prefecture)

Oiso: Kokoro Oiso base (using video conference system)

[Sponsorship] Authorized NPO corporation heart bridge Iwate


"Music space where hearts can communicate"

Yangtze RiverZhu summer teacher


"Dialogue skill training for donors"
Dr. Masaru Horikoshi


Music therapy by Dr. Akatsu Nagae following last year's basics and Dr. Masaru Horikoshi(National Psychiatry and Neuroscience Center for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Training Director)Public training on communication techniques. Both are participatory stylesThis is a unique opportunity to expand the range of interpersonal support. Enough time last timeWe will also summarize the remote conference training that could not be taken.

The capacity of Morioka venue will be 30, and the capacity of Otsuchi venue will be 10.Please register early.